Drost Park Kayaking-Registration opens in May
June 28 @ 12:00 pm

Come out and Kayak with us for FREE on June 28th from noon to 5pm at Drost Park in Maryville IL. We provide the boats, gear, safety personnel, all we need is you. Pre-registration is required by calling 618-223-8965 beginning in May. You will be assigned an hour during the day to kayak on the lake. There will be a short Safety Orientation, then you will pick a life jacket, a paddle, a boat, and launch onto the lake. Safety boaters will be on the lake to assist you. We have a variety of kayaks for you to chose from in all shapes and sizes.
Boaters less than 10 years of age are not allowed to kayak solo. We do have a minimum number of tandems that an adult and child can share. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.. Drost Park is located off Vadalabene Drive, then south on Schiber Court past Alfonzo’s Pizzeria to Myron Provence Parkway which is the park entrance. Visit the website: www.vil.maryville.il.us for a map to Drost Park.
Several organizations have teamed together to make this event possible for you. They include Alpine Shop, Team River Runner, USACE, Mississippi River Water Trail, STL Canoe and Kayak, and others volunteering their time.
Hope to see everyone on June 28th.
Is stand up paddleboarding allowed on Drost lKe?